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Dewislen llywio safle agored


Newyddion Pantomeim!!

Newyddion Pantomeim!!

Radio favourite Scott Mills confirmed for Jack and the Beanstalk.
Gweld rhagor
Mae gennym llyfryn newydd sbon!

Mae gennym llyfryn newydd sbon!

Hydref - Gaeaf 2024
Gweld rhagor
What makes us Grand?

What makes us Grand?

During lockdown we had time to reflect on what makes our theatre grand and have some fun and here's what we came up with.
Gweld rhagor
We've got a shiny new website and logo!

We've got a shiny new website and logo!

You know this...you're on it!
Gweld rhagor

Rhannu'r dudalen hon

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